The map information provided by this website are synthetically processed. The accuracy could only be used for reference but not for works. Cartography and Cadastre Bureau have no juridical responsibility for any consequences on using such information. For the information applicable for engineering design and construction, please apply it from Cartography and Cadastre Bureau. |
The Macao Vertical Datum refers to the Macao mean sea level calculated by the data collected from the original tide gauge station at Má Káu Séak in 40 years between 1925 and 1964 and has been hitherto used ever since. The original benchmark was originally located next to the "Má Káu Séak Observatory" which is now the vicinity of the junction where Avenida 1º de Maio and Avenida do Dr. Francisco Vieira Machado meet. Later, in response to urban development, the tidal data has been recorded by the tide gauge situated at Inner Harbor since 1984, and the original benchmark of the elevation system was moved to in front of the A-Ma Temple. The map data and measurement results produced by the DSCC are based on the above-mentioned elevation system. |