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Geodetic Control Points
Macao Grid System Parameter
Reference Ellipsoid International Hayford
a (Major semi-axis) =6378388.0m
f (Flattening)=1/297.0
Projection Transverse Mercator Projection
False Easting 20,000.00m
False Northing 20,000.00m
Latitude of Origin 22°12′44.63″ N
Longitude of Origin 113°32′11.29″ E
Scale factor 1
Level datum Mean Sea Level
Reference Ellipsoid a (Major semi-axis) = 6378137.0m
f (Flattening)= 1/298.257222101

Cartography and Cadastre Bureau

Telephone: (853)2834 0040
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P.O. Box: Macao P.O. Box 3018
Office hours:  Monday to Thursday 9:00-13:00 and 14:30-17:45
Friday 9:00-13:00 and 14:30-17:30
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