"Cadastral Information Website" is a comprehensive land information platform that integrates information on land and buildings in all departments. Users can search for land concession information, easement and encumbrances, buildings, lots, cartographic servitude right, the urban conditional plans (PCU), data on the highest altitude allowed for the construction of buildings in areas surrounding Farol da Guia, the description number of property registration , slope classification and maintenance responsibility, the list of historical cities and cultural relics for protection, administrative division boundaries, and other relevant applicable regulations. Additionally, the website also contains land-related statistics, administrative procedures and legislation to provide citizens with a wide range of information.
With the popularization of smartphones and mobile data applications, more users use smartphones as their main internet-surfing tool. In order to facilitate access to land information for mobile internet users, the Cartography and Cadastre Bureau launched the mobile version of "Cadastral Information Website" in 2018, providing the public with a service platform suitable for browsing operations on smartphones or tablets (iOS and Android).
The base map data was last updated on: 2023/12