In order to let more people and map users understand the location of the administrative boundary and boundary markers of the Macao SAR, the Bureau has published relevant information on the administrative boundary through various types of map products and public service platforms on geographic information. The specific display methods are as follows:
1.Topographic map
Legends of administrative boundary and boundary markers  
Category Legend pattern Marking of topographic map
Boundary Topographic map in all scales
Boundary markers  Remark  the serial number of the boundary mark Topographic map with scales of 1/1000 and 1/2000

Marking of administrative boundary and boundary markers in the 1:1000 topographic map
2.Public service platforms on geographic information
Legends of administrative boundary and boundary markers
Category Legend pattern Legend color Marking of public service platforms on geographic information
Boundary Gray Small scale (show from the farthest to the street layer level)
Boundary markers  Remark  the serial number of the boundary mark Black Large scale (show from the building layer level)
Marking of administrative boundary of Macao online map
Marking of boundary markers of Cadastral Information Website


For more information on our Public Service Platforms on Geographic Information, please click on the link below.

Cartography and Cadastre Bureau

Telephone: (853)2834 0040
Fax: (853)2834 0046
E-mail: mail@dscc.gov.mo
P.O. Box: Macao P.O. Box 3018
Office hours:  Monday to Thursday 9:00-13:00 and 14:30-17:45
Friday 9:00-13:00 and 14:30-17:30
Address: Estrada de D. Maria II, 32-36, Edificio CEM, 5th floor, Macao
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