Joint Inspection of Guangdong-Macao Land Administrative Boundary-Regular Joint Inspection of Guangdong and Macao SAR
To promote the cooperation and development between Guangdong and Macao SAR, and establish regular joint inspection mechanism, Guangdong and Macao SAR signed the Cooperation Agreement for the Joint Inspection of the Guangdong-Macao Land Administrative Boundary on January 20, 2017.
The Cooperation Agreement for the Joint Inspection of the Guangdong-Macao Land Administrative Boundary is a working system for inspecting the management of the approved Guangdong-Macao land administrative boundary and handling the problems discovered. The first joint inspection is scheduled to be implemented in 2019 and one joint inspection will be held every five years afterwards. The contents of the joint inspection include:
  • Implementation status of the approved Guangdong-Macao land administrative boundary;
  • boundary markers and their orientation changes and maintenance status;
  • Other markers indicating the direction of the Guangdong-Macao land administrative boundary and the changes in their landmarks and landform related to the boundary and the organization status of repair and measurement;
  • Cross-border production, construction and management status and handling status of related issues;
  • Other circumstances related to the management of the Guangdong-Macao land administrative boundary.
Signing Ceremony of the Cooperation Agreement for the Joint Inspection of the Guangdong-Macao Land Administrative Boundary

Cartography and Cadastre Bureau

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